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Ep 64: Best of 2020 + 2021 News!

Writer's picture: talblingertalblinger

Tiffany Alblinger

Hey there, lady, you're tuned into Wine and Gyn, a lively woman's health podcast hosted by two licensed midwives, Kelly Pappas and Tiffany Alblinger. We're dragging every sister mom and best friend on our mission to make chatting about the female body, and everything that comes along with it, a normal and new thing, thing. Grab a glass of wine with us while we flex our vagina expertise and dish on women's health topics each episode. Remember, you too, can be a vagina expert, because you have one. Welcome back to another episode of the wine and guide podcast. I'm your host, Tiffany.

Kelly Pappas

And I'm Kelly.

Tiffany Alblinger

And we have been gone. So long, a hot minute, too long Gyners. I don't know about anybody else. And I feel like we've been saying this for I don't know, 11 and a half months of 2020.

Kelly Pappas

We just needed a second. We needed a hot second, just to like, gather our thoughts and lives and all the same things that you all needed to do to

Tiffany Alblinger

Yes, I think one of the hardest parts of what we do here, of navigating what we do here this year, has been the huge emphasis that we put on in-person gatherings.

Kelly Pappas

That was like what this all was based on. And it it was a massive pivot for not only just Wine & Gyn in general, but even just like our community driven hearts over here having to make changes.

Tiffany Alblinger

Yeah, uncomfortable changes, and changes that like I think we were hoping we didn't have to make

Kelly Pappas

Yeah, we definitely pushed off as hard as we could for a bit there.

Tiffany Alblinger

Yeah. So we have been away planning and pivoting and really thinking about how do we get the message of Wine and Gyn and the message of talking about female health topics, creating conversations, making space for women to say like, Oh, that's normal, or Hey, me, too. How do we do that? In this day and age?

Kelly Pappas

Yeah. And actually, it's one of those. I'm sure lots of people have had like blessing in disguise experiences this year. But this has really been one of them for us, because it really has helped us step back to be super intentional about how we want to manage all of these pieces. And also thinking about how can we serve you guys the best that we can?

Tiffany Alblinger

Yeah, our hearts are there in place of continuing to serve women. No matter what is going on in your world, or your reality or your lack of reality- You are still a person in a body, having to experience all the things that you did you know, the beginning of this year?

Kelly Pappas

Yeah. 2020 did not change the fact that you're still having your period.

Tiffany Alblinger

You're still having sex- Yeah. You're still wondering where your urethra is.

Kelly Pappas

Don't lie you know who you are.

Tiffany Alblinger

There's so much that is just the continual thread, I guess. Yes, for sure. And all this but there's also a big piece of something that we want to change around here.

Kelly Pappas

Which is like bittersweet too.

Tiffany Alblinger

And I think that it will pain us more, than the person, they listening will be like, "Okay, good. Okay, great."

Kelly Pappas

check that box. Oh, we're not going away. Let me preface all of these things with that. But we do have some updates about how we're envisioning wine and guy in moving forward and providing all of our diners like more value and like offering more to you guys while also simplifying our own lives.

Tiffany Alblinger


Kelly Pappas

Yeah, necessary. We do.

Tiffany Alblinger

We have to streamline the things a little bit, professionally. Mm hmm. But we also want to simultaneously be showing up more in ways that matter.

Kelly Pappas

I mean, we show up in all the ways that matter, but potentially there's episodes that you've been like, Thanks for talking about that!

Tiffany Alblinger

We wanted to get a little bit more intentional. And we really wanted to focus on value of people's experiences and expertise that we can bring to those over just a simple conversation. And yes, there'll be plenty of simple conversation happening because we're simple folks.

Kelly Pappas

So simple.

Tiffany Alblinger

But let's describe some of the changes that we want to make, to the podcast specifically.

Kelly Pappas

Yes. So we're, we're using this pivoting moment, right? We're realizing how we want to share information and share stories and connect you all with other women in the midst of this weird time and all of that. So we are hoping to provide a bit more like stories that we can share from other ladies just like you, could it be you?

Tiffany Alblinger

Could it? Are you the story,

Kelly Pappas

Contact us now. But yeah, we wanted to share it, we want to use this space to share more real life stories. We wanted to use this space to share more kind of practical guidance, we talk a lot about a lot of issues. And a bit more lots of questions that you guys have for us is or how-tos. And we want to be able to share that with you guys. In a structured way.

Tiffany Alblinger

Yeah, we want to bring a little bit more structure to the podcast. And we want to pair it with additional resources and material that women can be consuming simultaneously, so that you can listen to parts of the podcast that we share. And that if you want more that there is a direct place to go to like really dive in to that specific issue, and how you can bring some of those resources into like your actual real life to get more results and more. Yeah, more support.

Kelly Pappas

That's so great.

Kelly Pappas

Yes, so one of the ways that we're doing that, and one of the reasons that we needed a hot minute, is that we're actually planning some courses for you guys to, which is something that we're like very excited to offer you in the new year.

Tiffany Alblinger

We are in the middle of planning classes that you can actually take the click of a button online at your own pace that provides all of the information, all of the juicy guidance, all of the midwifery led support. Juicy,

Kelly Pappas

so much juicy guidance guys.

Tiffany Alblinger

We are gonna try to get you as juicy as possible. On the internet of course. Oh, wow. Yes. So that's what we have planned for you guys is a little bit of podcast, a little bit more resources, a few more stories from actual women, how they're navigating their own health topics. And then all of the feedback that you guys have given us throughout these couple of years. About how you would like to be supported in spaces beyond just listening.

Kelly Pappas

I'm so excited about where our little podcast is. What it's growing up to be.

Tiffany Alblinger

So in the new year, there will be a new name to podcast.

Kelly Pappas

I mean, I'm like so excited. But Wine & Gyn has been like a very sweet space. It really has. It's gonna continue to be a sweet space, just the name of it was one of like, the most exciting things about planning it were like, Oh, that's so funny. I'm like, so brilliant.

Tiffany Alblinger

If you have a great podcast name. It doesn't matter what you talk about.


That's what they say.

Tiffany Alblinger

But it was time to just grow up a little bit like Kelly said, to put a little bit more thought and intention into what we share here. So yes, you'll be looking out for new name. So there's a lot of things that are changing, but there's so many things that absolutely will not be changing-

Kelly Pappas

whatsoever. We'll make inappropriate jokes,

Tiffany Alblinger


Kelly Pappas

Everything won't change, but we're still going to come in your ears. We will still be releasing weekly podcast episodes for your ears to listen to.

Tiffany Alblinger

Yes. All the other options, you're just gonna have to keep to yourself. Yep. We're still gonna be talking about the exact same thing.

Kelly Pappas

It's gonna be different. But it so much of this is gonna stay the same too.

Tiffany Alblinger

Yeah, just women's health is where our hearts are at. Yes. We want to incorporate a little bit more about pregnancy a little bit more about birth.

Kelly Pappas

Yeah, it's a huge part of women's health in general, especially a lot of our listeners are in childbearing years. And so we want to provide some value as midwives in this space that we work as well. Yes. And we'll probably still drink a little wine every so often.

Tiffany Alblinger

I will commit to drinking wine while a podcast, I promise. So, what does one do from here, Kelly?

Kelly Pappas

Well, if you are already subscribed to the Wine and Gyn podcast, you will stay subscribed, whereas it switches over names and all that good stuff. If you are not following us on Instagram, we want you to mosey on over to our midwifery Instagram which is at beautiful one midwifery. That's where you're gonna find lots of women's health stuff that we share, pregnancy stuff that we share birth stuff, postpartum, and podcast stuff now.

Tiffany Alblinger

Yes, everything is gonna live in one happy little Instagram home.

Kelly Pappas


Tiffany Alblinger

We really had to reel in the 45 Instagrams. It was getting excessive. What that means is that all of the good stuff is now in one place. And yeah, you get to consume all of the fun, wonderful, helpful things that Kelly and Tiffany, bring to you.

Kelly Pappas

Yes. So head on over there. Wine & Gyn Instagram will still be active for a little bit, but it's eventually going to point you there. Anyway. So jump on right now.

Tiffany Alblinger

First hundred people who follow us over there, get a shout out on the show. I'm gonna be like, "I just want to shout out to the first hundred people who followed us."

Kelly Pappas

And in your heart, you'll know that it's you and you'll say thanks, Tiff.

Tiffany Alblinger

I don't know, I just feel like people make incentives like that.

Kelly Pappas

Yeah. We can't follow up on much,


but they're used to that.

Tiffany Alblinger

But what we want to do this month is leave you guys with some gifts. We would just like close out the year on a positive note.

Kelly Pappas

I mean, 2020 has been really positive.

Tiffany Alblinger

I have enjoyed every moment of it. It has been nothing but a gift. So it makes perfect sense. But it is the season for gifting. It is December. This is the time to just lean in.

Kelly Pappas

Yep. So what do we have for them? Tiffany?

Tiffany Alblinger

Um, now I wasn't gonna tell him yet. Okay.

Kelly Pappas

You will soon find out. what's ahead in the coming weeks.

Tiffany Alblinger

Yes, every week on Mondays. We'll have some kind of quickly digestible and easily implemented yes tool that you guys can have, you know, quick little lessons to apply it to your life come back to later. We just you know, we wanted to put a little cherry on top of the the wine and gyn podcast transitioning.

Kelly Pappas

so nice. That's really kind. You're welcome in advance.

Tiffany Alblinger

We're doing a great job. Okay, but before we get to the gift that we have for people today, oh, I wanted to do a quick year in review of the podcast because in my mind, it was a hot jumbled mess.

Kelly Pappas

2020 was a jumbled mess.

Kelly Pappas

We were recording. We weren't recording we were trying to think of things that people cared about. We were doing zoom meetings until everyone got real zoomed out.

Tiffany Alblinger

Including us. Even the word just gets me. But when I went back and looked over the episodes that we did, I was like, hey, it was not that bad.

Kelly Pappas

This is the highlight of 2020 actually very well could be we did a great job. We did. There were some good episodes in there, and some highly listened to ones listened.

Tiffany Alblinger

Yeah, we had a lot of fun with you guys. Yeah. So we had two seasons. Over this year, we had season three, season four.



Tiffany Alblinger

In season three, the most listened to episode was "ask us anything about birth"

Kelly Pappas

which helped us realize y'all want a bit more birth content.

Tiffany Alblinger

And you told us you guys would like to hear a little bit more about birth and a little bit more about preparing for birth and recovering from birth and avoiding birth. All of those things, which we have plenty to share on. You'll hear us weave that in a little bit more. But the next most popular episode from Season Three was "signs of fertility"

Kelly Pappas

I had a few people reach out to me to say thank you for putting it in, like one space, so that I could listen and get like all of the information extracted that I needed to, in order to get a handle on it. And maybe it's because this is the space that we're in, but I feel like this year I've talked to more people than ever who are fine, not finally but who are like, Oh, actually, I'd love to get my like arms around this aspect of my life.

Tiffany Alblinger

Yes. We just love when people are sharing with us how they're more in tune with their bodies. Whether you're trying to get pregnant or trying to specifically not get pregnant. How knowing what's happening, and the signs that your body is telling you about its general health, not just fertility but as a marker for general health, that you guys are interested in that information. Super cool. And so that was a, that was a great joy for us to be able to share with you guys. Joy, joy. Okay. And then season four was where we left off. Yes. So four months ago.

Tiffany Alblinger

The most listened to episodes of season four was not surprisingly, Lisa Hendrickson, Jack's fertility Friday episodes that she did for us. This is the first time that we took a concept and put it into two parts, because it was just so good.

Kelly Pappas

so rich. I could listen to her speak on those topics. For a long time.

Tiffany Alblinger

She had a lot to say about birth control a lot to say about hormones, a lot to say about hormones in birth control, and how your body you know, assimilates and integrates all those things. It was such a good listen.

Kelly Pappas

Yeah, if you haven't jumped back to those because both of them have potentially really mind blowing, or like mind shifting ideas in them. I had a friend who reached out to me after those two episodes, who was like, Oh, actually my whole adult life. This whole idea has just been like blown up in my mind right now.

Tiffany Alblinger

totally changed. Which I am grateful for.

Kelly Pappas

So cool. Because some of it as you know, as we're speaking, we're like, oh, yeah, I could see how this would be like, not offensive, but just like, Oh, dang, this is so different than anything I've either thought about or been taught or whatever. And it's cool. For all you gyners to have such open minds to learning new things about your bodies and about our choices and all that good stuff.

Tiffany Alblinger

Yep. Yep. Okay. And then the second most popular episode of season four was the episode we did on supplements for women's health.

Kelly Pappas

I am not surprised by the fertility Friday episodes. I was very surprised at the like outpouring of appreciation for the supplement episode.

Tiffany Alblinger

Y'all loved that.

Kelly Pappas

I mean, it was it's great information. I think I just take it take it for granted. That that's those are recommended supplements. Yes. Like, yeah,

Tiffany Alblinger

It is the most basic aspects of the care that we give. And so I tend to think everybody knows this. But the whole reason we did the episode is because it's frickin confusing. There's so many options and so many things sourced in so many different ways and so many RDAs that are recommended that you know, so yes, it was actually a really it was really fun one. That was great. And so a part of the gift that we want to give you guys this week. Oh, back to the gifting. Find it in the show notes or over on our Instagram which is you are going to find this beautiful one midwifery Instagram. We have a free checklist for the supplements that we recommended in that episode.

Kelly Pappas

So that's so great. You are so good. Wow, that's pretty amazing. Well, I was just thinking about how helpful you know, like, you know, you're making your list as you're listening to the episode versus here's like this checklist that you can open up your supplement drawer cabinet, wherever you keep your stuff. And actually just, like, organize your stuff and check it off and make sure that you're treating your bod well.

Tiffany Alblinger

Yeah, and take it to the store, you know, buy stuff. If you need to go get the things we've recommended, or Amazon or wherever, right? We will put it all out on this list to consume and so you know that you're getting exactly what we recommended.


Oh, we're so nice. That was really good of us. We're pretty much the greatest.

Tiffany Alblinger

sorry, we're so arrogant. But I just realized that it's gonna be very helpful. This is of great value. So you can grab that in the show notes or over at beautiful one midwifery Instagram. And you will have to come back here next Monday.

Kelly Pappas

Yes, you will for your next gift. Oh, it's like the four weeks of GYNmas.


Let's see you next Monday. Bye!


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